
btllib is a library I wrote in spare time during my master’s degree because, oh my god is so much of bioinformatics (or scientific in general) code awful. How can I even trust the results of my pipelines if I’m doubting the output of the code I’m using? The library implements a bunch of time and memory efficient algorithms and data structures for processing genomic sequences and has been used in workflows dealing with human (3.1Gbp) and spruce (20Gbp) genomes. So if you’re in the memory intensive bioinformatics space, you might wanna give it a go.

Currently, the library is maintained by the awesome Birol lab team at the Genome Sciences Centre at BC Cancer.

Nikolić et al., (2022). btllib: A C++ library with Python interface for efficient genomic sequence processing. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(79), 4720,